Welcome to 2021 Membership Season!
The board would like to welcome any new members of the community. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules of the beach. All rules are posted on our website. Please understand that we are still in the midst of a pandemic and we must adhere to state guidelines which are subject to change.
Updates to guidelines as of 4/1/2021
Open to Jefferson residents only (past members outside of Jefferson are grandfathered).
We have a small beach. Membership for residents outside of Prospect Point is limited. Join early to secure your spot.
Guests are limited to 5 per household membership. Remember, other Prospect Point residents cannot be guests; they must have their own membership.
No pavilion rental this season
Recreational marijuana is now legal in New Jersey. CAPP Beach is not the place to indulge. No marijuana vaping or smoking is permitted on CAPP properties.
Social distancing recommended, masks optional (except at Snack Shack where masks are mandatory).
Lifeguards will be on duty weekends beginning June 12 and daily the day after school ends (6/25) from 12:00 noon to 5 p.m.
OPENING DAY PICNIC- June 12 1:00 - 5:00 pm. We have a band planned and anticipate providing burgers, dogs, soft beverages as usual. BYOB. Membership meeting at 3 pm. More details to follow.
BADGES- will be available at the Lifeguard shed at the entrance effective 06/12/2021. We do not mail badges, please pick up.
Thank you for supporting our little piece of paradise.
Membership & Rates
2021 Membership
We are current accepting new applications for Jefferson Township residents only. Past members are grandfathered.
*On or Before May 15, 2021
Senior Citizen - $80
Prospect Point Resident Family* - $200
Non Prospect Point Resident family- $250
*After May 15, 2021
Senior Citizen - $90
Resident Family* - $250
Non Prospect Point Resident family- $300
*Resident Family is one who
resides within Prospect Point
according to the Jefferson
Township Tax Map. If you have
any questions as to your location,
please contact Membership at
(973) 663-5457.
*Non-Resident Family is one who resides outside of Prospect Point.
Badges will be available on and after June 12 at the Snack Shack.
If membership is paid at anytime during the summer season, you do not have to wait for badges to use the beach. Badges are usually available a week after we receive of your membership.
Dog Patrol Permits
We are not a dog park however, we allow dogs on the beach during early morning hours in order to curb the duck and geese population. This helps to keep our beach clean of feces that plagues other area beaches.
Our members take priority on the beaches therefore, dogs are not permitted to run loose if a member is present. We ask our members to please allow the dogs to do their job of patrolling our beach during early morning and late evening hours.
All dogs must be obtain a permit. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dog.
Pavilion Rental
Due to the pandemic, pavilion is not available for rental for the 2021 season. Rules are subject to change.